5 letter words with captcha


Creating a CAPTCHA with 5-letter words can be a fun and challenging way to protect your website or online forms from bots and automated scripts. Here's a list of some five-letter words that you can use for your CAPTCHA:

1. Beach

2. Tiger

3. Apple

4. Dance

5. Lemon

6. Cloud

7. Smile

8. Heart

9. Music

10. Angel

11. Light

12. Magic

13. Ocean

14. Plant

15. Quiet

16. Brave

17. Fairy

18. Sweet

19. Water

20. Horse

Remember to randomize the order of the letters and use different fonts to make it even more challenging for bots to decipher. You can also add some background noise or distort the letters slightly to improve security. Additionally, consider implementing a time limit for solving the CAPTCHA to prevent bots from trying multiple times.